
“With your generous funding, we were able to help three specific families with the purchase a specialty car seat, some adapted toys, and communication devices, as well as provide much needed respite funding for one of our families.

CJ’s memory truly lives on through your hard work and altruistic spirit. Thank you so much!!”

- Julie, Program Director, Criterion Middlesex Early Intervention, Framingham

“We would like to thank you for the money we received through the CJ’s Fund grant. We plan on using the money to purchase items for our daughter, such as new shoes that accommodate braces and educational toys. This grant is very helpful to us and we sincerely appreciate your generosity.”

- Parents of a 2015 CJ Fund Grant Recipient

“Our daughter Mikayla was born in February, 2014 with a chromosome deletion. It’s been a tough year – financially and emotionally. Our sweet girl has been through so many tests since this rare diagnosis. She continues to have therapy 5 times a week (1 PT, 2 OT, and 2 aquatics), while my husband and I both work full time at very demanding jobs, and also care for our 3 year old daughter. It has been quite a juggling act. We cannot express our appreciation enough for the CJ Fund grant. We used the money to purchase glasses for Mikayla (she is farsighted) and AFO braces for her legs to help her to learn how to walk. Thank you!”

- The Poulos Family

“Thank you for the generosity of CJ’s Fund. Every year I create a “wish list” for our families and staff of various medical equipment, devices, therapy equipment and supplies. There is such a sense of relief when we receive the application for CJ’s grant knowing that these “wishes” may soon become a reality. This year we were able to purchase the “Prologue-2-Go” application to use on 2 new iPads. This app allows the pre-verbal children in our program to experience a life-long communication system that is being utilized in local preschools. By exposing and teaching the children how to use the app prior to preschool, they have the ability to share with their parents how their day at school was!”

- Courtney, Clinical Coordinator, Thom-Westfield Infant Toddler Services

“Our daughter Chloe was diagnosed with brain tumor when she was 6 months old and had many surgeries as well as chemotherapy. Her development is extremely delayed. She also struggles with the complications from surgeries. She is g-tube fed, cannot speak, see, or sit up, but she loves music. We received CJ’s Fund this week. We used the money to buy her a stroller with special supports so we can go for walks outside. We appreciate CJ’s story and the fund very much.”

- The Zhang Family

“The funds will be spent on our Summer Outings project, which will directly benefit families of children with involved needs, by bringing them together for socializing and mutual support. As you know, many families still find it challenging to find all the services they need. When caring donors such as you step up with outstanding support, we can bring critically-needed, quality, health and social services to those who need it most.”

- Sheilah, Executive Director, Pernet Family Health Service, Inc., Worcester